TVChannel - News Portal Modern WordPress Elementor Theme

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Created: Oct 17, 2014

Updated: Jun 25, 2024

ID: 51867

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

480k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
TVChannel - News Portal Modern WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 1TVChannel - News Portal Modern WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 2TVChannel - News Portal Modern WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 3TVChannel - News Portal Modern WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 4TVChannel - News Portal Modern WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 5TVChannel - News Portal Modern WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 6TVChannel - News Portal Modern WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 7TVChannel - News Portal Modern WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 8

TVChannel belongs with the top styled news blogs built with Elementor drag-n-drop page builder and bestselling Jet plugins for it. It has all the necessary pages and is fully stuffed with beautiful blog posts layouts, that can boast with a clean modern design. Here you'll find layouts for news content that will help you showcase your latest publications in the most advantageous ways. If you're looking to start your news blog with WordPress, TVChannel will help you do it regardless of your level of experience. It can be easily installed and all the demo content can be customized and easily replaced by your own.


June 25, 2024:

  • Minor bugs fixed.

TVChannel (December 28, 2023):

  • WordPress 6.4 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.18 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

21 Reviews for this product

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I like that it can be worked in Spanish but it must have its translation in Spanish in general
Really useful and easy to custom, I like overall effects and that the video has an autoplay. Are lots of plugins that make it better all the content. It is fast and the content that is preloaded is very cool. I recommended this if you want to start a magazine or a newspaper. We are video maker producers and it works perfectly for us.
Nice template, works fine with embed youtube video. Wasy to use.
Приобрел данный шаблон для очередного проекта. Когда случайно наткнулся на данный сайт в поисках подходящего шаблона, был приятно удивлен огромному количеству различных премиум шаблонов по разным тематикам. Без проблем нашел тот, который подходил для реализации моего проекта, а щас, успев поработать с приобретенным шаблоном могу сказать только одно, ШАБЛОН ОГОНЬ как в плане дизайна, так и в плане обширного функционала! Приду вскоре еще за одним!
Pretty reasonable and flexible template. It was actually easier than the WordPress ones to manipulate and change for my purposes.

2 Comments for this product

On the home page there is a picture relating to each article but when you click the link to the article there is no picture. Is it possible to have the image on the article page? Many thanks
Hi there, Steven! You can easily add the needed images under Posts tab - choose needed article - upload image to the body of the post. If you have any difficulties, submit a request via the account, and our techs would be glad to help.
I have 2 questions 1. How can you make the mosaic newsitems on the homepage (Politic, Science, Politics, Society, Sport an world)? 2. How can you insert the page Our Team on a wordpress page?
Question 1: We use a tag to filter items that we want to appear in the mosaic. Everything goes up there based on when it's posted -- newest things first -- but we filter that using a tag (it can be anything you like, but we use topbox) that we assign to each news item we want to appear there. Here's the code with our tag. [posts_list type=post numb=6 thumbs=normal thumb_width=513 thumb_height=361 post_content=excerpt order_by=date order=DESC link=yes tags=no custom_class=list_1 tag=topbox] I'm not sure about question two because we haven't used that option.

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